Coral Banks Construction Co.

Build The Bridge and Save The Turtles!

Make ‘Impossible’ Possible Through World Class Teamwork, Passion and Collaboration – Challenge Mindset!


Coral Banks Construction Company challenges participants with an ostensibly impossible task. But in this challenge, paralysis is quickly replaced with motivated, purposeful action as people explore the potential for “What’s Possible” with the power of collaborative teams. And amazingly – through experiential learning – this transformation is engineered by the participants themselves. Stretching and breaking through self-limitations usually takes a great deal of change management and hand-holding – not this time. This hands-on programme bridges the gap between intention (no matter how vast the objective) and execution, by addressing the critical skills – leadership, communication and resource management – that deliver cohesive teamwork and seemingly impossible results.


You are a vital member of The Coral Banks Construction Company and must construct a perfectly engineered bridge to span and protect a delicate ecosystem. It’s a huge project that has to conform to rigorous standards – and every minute counts! Self-limitations will be shattered as you realise that this overwhelming task is actually possible. You’ll be amazed as team focus, leadership, communication, co-operation and execution come together in tangible results right before your eyes, and by your own hands. Your individual role is crucial, but as part of a team and as a team-of-teams, your potential for achievement is immense. And the experience doesn’t end there. Your sense of accomplishment and the valuable lessons learned will seamlessly dovetail into your working relationships and accelerate the pursuit of your goals back on the job.


• Build unanimous focus on clearly defined goals; harness the power of team spirit and unity to achieve them

• Collaborate productively to share resources, assign tasks and maintain quality standards

• Communicate effectively and frequently, leading to greater productivity and job satisfaction

• Achieve the impossible as individual, team and organisational efforts become more closely aligned


If you want something that’s going to get people working together quickly this is it!

Seeing the conference room explode into life as large groups tackle building their part in a giant bridge is a wonderful sight and is a great way to launch a theme of collaboration for any conference! Can the group pull together and pool their combined talents and manpower to get the bridge built on time and on budget?


Planning your event with us, aim 90 minutes to 2 hours in the agenda to maximise the learning and application discussion which follows on from the experience. 

Ideally for larger groups of 50 people to well over 1000 participating in the same room at the same time! In teams of 8-10 participants in any room set up with space to build. 

Suitable for cross-functional and intact teams at all levels. From your C suite leadership team right through to all those teams navigating the day to day execution of your business. 

Ideal for use at conferences, off sites, team days and any type of company launch event.